Lack of Mental Capacity
If a loved one or person close to you is not able to make decisions for themselves, in can be extremely upsetting. We provide guidance on the legal safeguards available to ensure that they remain protected.
Lack of Mental Capacity
We appreciate that it can be extremely difficult for everybody concerned when a loved one or person close to you is not able to make decisions for themselves. The legal term for this is “Lack of Mental Capacity”, and people can lose mental capacity in a number of ways;
- Following a stroke or brain injury
- As a result of a mental health problem
- As a result of Dementia
- As a result of a learning disability
- As a result of an illness or the treatment for it
- As a result of substance or alcohol misuse.
Private Client Law services
Making a Will
Wills drafted by legal experts.
Living Wills
... & advance decisions. To make a living will (Advance Decision) or to find out how it might benefit you.
Dealing with Someone's Affairs
If you need assistance to deal with the affairs of someone who has passed away.
Powers of Attorney
Providing you with an opportunity to nominate people who can make decisions on your behalf if you reach a point where you cannot.
Lack of Mental Capacity
If someone close to you is not able to make decisions for themselves, it can be extremely upsetting. We provide guidance on the legal safeguards available to ensure that they remain protected.
Care Home Fee advice
You may wish to consider protecting your assets when being assessed for care home fee contributions.
Trust Advice
Trusts provide a way of protecting your assets (sometimes for the future benefit of younger relatives).
Brockbanks Solicitors are here to help with your legal documents
When someone loses capacity, there are legal safeguards in place to ensure they are protected, and our Solicitors can provide expert guidance and advice on the options available to you and your family.
There are also a number of legal documents, such as Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney (Advance Decisions) that can be prepared in advance to determine what should happen if and when someone loses their Mental Capacity.
Please contact us to arrange an appointment at any of our offices, or your home.
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