LGBT Family Law
Get tailored legal advice and up to date information regarding same-sex couples and children.

LGBT Family Law
The law surrounding same-sex parents can be complicated. At Brockbanks, our LGBT Family Law specialists are here to support couples at every step of the way.
We encourage couples to seek full legal advice when considering raising a child, so that parents can ensure that they are aware of their legal rights.
As part of this, you will need to consider factors like who will have parental responsibility, the role that a child’s biological parents will play, and the legal impact of adoption. It should also be pointed out that the rights of same-sex female couples are not automatically the same as those of same-sex male couples.
We are able to provide tailored advice on a full range of LGBT Family Law matters:
- Parental Responsibility
- Adoption
- Male same-sex couples and parental rights
- Female same-sex couples and parental rights.
Whatever your circumstances, we are here to support you. We will help you make the right decisions when it comes to your children.
Why do I need Brockbanks LGBT Solicitors?
A separation between LGBT parents can affect children in a number of different ways. You will want to ensure that arrangements and issues in relation to your children are resolved sensibly and with sensitivity.
People assume that they have to go to Court if there is a disagreement about:
- Where their children will live
- How much time they will spend with the other parent
- Things like which school they will attend.
Wherever possible, we look to provide an amicable solution that works for all parties involved. This includes providing expert legal advice and practical guidance to help resolve the issues or negotiate an agreement. We also refer matters to a trained mediator where appropriate.
However, if Court proceedings are needed, we have experience and expertise to represent you through the process.

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